Thursday, April 27, 2017

AP Promts Essay #1

Q: Descibe a place, conveying feeling through concrete and specific detail.

          Some of us have our own place that we go to when we just want some peace and when we want to release our stress from everything that's going on. Maybe we want to forget about the world for a moment, forget about the problems, and forget about all the work you have waiting at home. It seems like theres no time to just stay still and take a deep breath without having to worry about what your plans are for the next day or even the simplest thought like what you're going to eat later. Doing something that you enjoy helps anyone as a distraction from everything around them and it let's them live in the moment. When I think of a place that brings peace and relaxes I picture someone swimming.
          There is no one in the pool and the water is so still that it brings you to a state of calmness. You pass the pool deck and you enter the bathroom to put on your bathing suit. You feel free with your one piece bathing suit and you also feel excited because the weather outside is so sunny which makes it a perfect day to swim. You go ahead and put on your sunscreen and you get a whiff of your sunscreen that you can only smell when you're at the pools or at the  beach. You then continue to put on your cap and googles and you feel like a true swimmer ready with your full on gear, Like someone who is always prepared for their job. Finally you slip on your sandals and you exit the bathroom to go back to the pool deck.
          You exit the bathroom and the first thing you see ahead of you is the empty pool. Rushing towards the pool. You jump inside and the moment your full body is submerged into the water you feel the coolness rushing all over your body giving you such a pleasurable feeling. Once submerged you close your eyes and at last you feel that deep breath which seems ironic due to the fact that your holding your breath underwater. Kicking off the wall with both of your feet you begin to swim stroking your arms and kicking your legs back and forth enough to get you going. Your swimming and for that moment all you see is the clear water. Nothing else. All you feel is the coolness rushing through your body. Nothing else. All you hear is the movement of the waves created by the water. Nothing else. The noises outside are cancelled and you don't have to worry about anything going on outside. It's just you and the water.
          Finally you're done swimming. You stop for a while and you float on your back so you are able to look the beautiful sky. You stay like that motionless just contemplating the sky and that's when you hear all the noise around you and you realize the reality of life. You get out of the pool with water dripping once you're out. You go to the bathroom, dry yourself out and change. Heading out everything goes back to normal and your stuck in the same reality that you were in before. Your problems and worries still continue and you go back to the constant thoughts in your head, but you finally know where to go when you need to just take a deep breathe and live.

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